miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019



Hi everyone! 

In this day I talk to you about my future job. 
When thinking about this, I don't really know what I will do in the future. 
I would like experience different forms of work, I've always thought that I will not be in one place, I would like to study other career or other trade. Really, I like to learn, discory and investigate many topics. 
In this sense I study Kinderganten Teaching and I imagine in differents education center, I would like work in rural place or urban. 

I imagine occasionally in the room but also free. Sometimes I think that I would not like to be in offices or a room all day, so changing for me is the key word.

I love to travel, so I would like to know the different cultures and mediate knowledge in diversity, learning from them and them.

As for my salary, I don't really know, I just want to have what is necessary and to save and be calm in my old age.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019



Hi everyone!

In this post I present to you a text essay about of the Euthanasia. 
The Euthanasia it means in latin as 'dignifient death', therefore is a voluntary intervetion that accelerates the death of a terminal patient or for someone who is suffering. 

In this sense, my position in front of this topic is: I'm agree with the decision that each person have about his life. Obviously, if a person is suffering and feels pain, they should have the decision in their hands to live or die, therefore, have the possibility of being given pentobarbital, baseline Euthanasia medicine. 

I consider that it's a long process lived by people who have the diseases, they feel tired of fighting for the life they loved so much at some time, but that at that moment they should have the same power of decision that they have had since childhood, in which I could choose what sweet to eat or what clothes to wear.

I think that for families, the issue becomes complex since for any person to see a loved one die is painful and sad, but from that vision I believe that people are selfish because they only think of their sadness, but not of the suffering of the other, not even thinking about the dignified death that each one deserves.

In conclusion I can say that it is a deliberation about the desire to live and be a person, each person should choose what is the right time to die without feeling hard, tired and sad last days.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019



Hi everyone!

I present you a text essay about of 'Everyone should be a vegetarian'. The topic talk to us about of the vegerarian people in the world, thinking about the idea that everyone become a vegetarian person, understanting it how food regime based in stop eating anything food from animals, such as meat of  beef, pork, chicken and fish. This lifestyle have different ways to think, because some person eat eggs or lactic foods or they change the way the drees, therefore, it depends on each person.

From de above, I agree with this topic, because this lifestyle is a advance in a humanity and above all, an opening of consciuosness.

Be vegetarian is a position that change your life, begin to think that not only do you live with the world, but we live with more people and also with animals, Therefore, why treat them as an object of experiments? Why raise them to kill them? Why eat them? The treatment for animals is regularly as object, where it is enjoyed from the domestication and use of drugs to reassure them, with the objective that human beings can 'see' them and 'play' with them, more that see them than as integral parts of the world, worthy of living free.

Therefore, we must made aware of the cruelty and disregard that feeling the animals living in the companies of the beauty products or clothes and food industry, testing in them various products, without considering the wounds, fears, pains or other emotions they feel when exposing them to such experiments, considering as a product to market,
In this way, we must be aware of these abuses, so we should not be involved in these violations, which only denigrate animals.

In the same way, we must consider how potent the Industries within Planet are, they are the main polluting entities, both in water pollution, in climate change, loss of biodiversity and deforestation.
Therefore a vegetarian or vegan diet would alleviate the harmful effects caused to humanity, 

It's for this and many more reasons, without naming the benefit for the human organism, that vegetarianism such as veganism should be an option for each one, I invite you to start gradually decreasing your food that comes from animals, so that it will soon reach an inner revolution that will obviously help the lives of today and tomorrow!

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